Wednesday, May 8, 2019

What is the android: 
Note that this element does not declare a permission itself, only a category in which permissions can be placed. See the element for element for information on declaring permissions and assigning them to groups
Android and its Permission : 
  • Android  is the platform where user can interact on the demand of his/her App
  • Mostly android developer used different type of permission for their Apps
  • On the demand of apps and its functionality permission are changes
  • These permission access the property of built in function of Apps 
  • having best quality of apps permission to enhance the quality of App.
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As most of the app used permission of the Camera class is used to set image capture settings, start/stop preview, snap pictures, and retrieve frames for encoding for video. This class is a client for the Camera service, which manages the actual camera hardware. 
To access the device camera, i declare the  CAMERA permission in your Android Manifest.For example, if you use the camera and auto-focus feature, your Manifest should include the following:

In Apps i used :
  • To access the CAMERA for flashing
  • used the light in torch light functionality
  • For more/enhance light accelerate the hardware of camera in app
  • Change Android Wallpaper Using Wallpaper Changer

  • uses-feature android:name=""
          android:required="true" /> 
  • using this like command to declared permission in android manifest